Monday, December 25, 2017

Chicken Soup with Vegetables

Chicken Soup for the soul.. These dropping temperatures definitely have me craving some soup. And chicken soup is definitely my go-to! It isn't particularly a quick recipe, but it needs minimum monitoring and can be something you've left on the back burner while you finish other tasks. It is also a one pot and in my case, a one pot and one chopping board recipe.. So here's your not-so-quick but easy fix for the winter.

Prep time: 30 mins Cook time: 70 minutes

  • 3 chicken legs (I usually cut mine in half, so I have 3 thighs and 3 drumsticks)
  • 1 cube of maggi chicken flavor Bouillon cube (you could also replace this wih either homemade or store-bought chicken broth)
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 5-6 Peppercorns 
  • 1/2 tsp ground thyme (fresh thyme would definitely enhance the flavor, but I don't usually have fresh thyme available)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 6-8 baby carrots diced
  • 1 medium yellow onion sliced 
  • 2 medium ribs of celery
  • 3-4 mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Any fresh herbs that you would like to add to the mix. I usually use my go-to: Mrs. Dash seasoning and some fresh parsley and coriander since I grow them at home. 

You can also vary with the vegetables and flavors you have readily available at home. The idea of this soup is to use as many of the extra veggies you have at home and modifying the flavor according to your personal taste.


  1. Using a sharp knife, cut out all the meat from the bones. In a large pot, cover the meat and the bones and carcass with water. Add the chicken bouillon, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaf.
  2. Heat the stock over medium-high heat for about 30 mins. Once the chicken has changed color, reduce the temperature to medium heat and let it cook for another 15 mins. Add more water if it feels necessary. Remove the meat and set it aside to cool. (If you are using fresh thyme, this would be the right time to remove it from the stock mixture). 
  3. Bring the soup to a simmer and continue cooking for another 10 mins, skimming as needed. Now add the ground thyme, salt and pepper. If the broth is too cloudy, you could use a fine-mesh strainer to clarify it. This is a personal preference, I usually like the froth in my broth.
  4. Once the chicken has cooled, remove any leftover meat from the bones, and shred the remaining meat to bite-sized pieces. Return all this meat back to the pot and return to a simmer.
  5. Add the diced vegetables, and other dried herbs that you would like to add to you soup. Finish off with the fresh parsley and or other fresh herbs that you would like to add in.
  6. Last but not the least, add the lemon juice and give it a good stir before you take it off the heat. 

Another variation to the soup would be to blend all the boiled vegetables and add the chicken to the blended mixture. This would be ideal for all those picky eaters who won't eat vegetables once they see them.. Serve Hot! I usually like my soup with some bread or crackers. I hope you enjoy this recipe. I would love you hear your variations in the comments as well. 

 A light and simple recipe after all that holiday eating. Wishing you and your family a happy holidays and in case I don't write another post in the next few days, wishing you a Happy New Year as well.. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Melting Snowman Cupcakes

Tis the season to indulge and enjoy! I went to a Christmas party a few weeks back and boy was it a joy or what! The Tellier Christmas party is an event we look forward to for an entire year and it just gets bigger and better with every passing year. Although, I have joined the ritual a little late, but my husband has been attending the Tellier Xmas party for 7 years now.. and they've been hosting it for I don't even know how many years.. The Tellier Family hosts this event at their home in Jackson, New Jersey, which is a good 90-100 miles from our house. We make a trip down to Jersey, regardless.. Wouldn't miss the event of the year for anything..
This year, however, there was a winter weather advisory posted for the day of the party, and it was the first snowfall of the season, making us question our decision to drive.. now amongst, all this decision making, I had decided to take dessert to the party and had been scratching my head as to what would be a quick, easy to make and easy to transport dessert for the party.
Was debating between a Christmas Log Cake and Red Velvet Cupcakes. Of course, one would be traditional, but the other would be fun and easy to carry. So I decided to go with the latter. Luckily for us, the snow did not accumulate as much as we had expected, and most people had their snowmen melting pretty fast, and so my Melting Snowman cupcakes only seemed fitting for the occasion.

Cupcakes in general are really easy to make and super easily to decorate. For this particular party though, I made mini cupcakes since they would be great bite sized desserts with such a big crowd. Hope you enjoy this recipe and the simple decoration tips that I used to make them stand out..

Prep time: 2 hours  Cook time: 15 mins 
Servings: makes about 24 regular cupcakes or 60 mini cupcakes 

Stuffed Chicken Breast with Spinach and Ricotta

Quick recipes for working women.. This was my inspiration behind revamping my blog and starting to write again.. I am sure most of us working people, men and women.. would love to enjoy a fancy dinner but are worried about getting over ambitious on a weekday, and end up eating takeout, boring food, or pre prepared meals from the weekend..
To be honest, I am guilty of being one of those as well, I do most of my cooking on Sunday, and make meals ready for the weekdays.. but lately I decided to do all my meal prep on Sundays instead, and finish my cooking on the day of. This makes me feel like I am having fresh food on the weekdays instead of the feeling like I am having leftovers from the weekends. Also, to be fair, I haven't achieved this for all the days of the week. I still make about half of my meals for the week on Sunday, but I am experimenting with the other half. So follow along with me on my journey, and I will help you with my experiences, hurdles and of course share the victories.. So today, I am going to share this quick Stuffed Chicken breast recipe with you all. It was a straight out winner with my husband. Quoting him, "This feels like we've ordered food from an italian restaurant." I am super excited to share this find with you guys..
Hope you guys enjoy my recipes and my bantering.