Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Apple & spiced pecan salad

A beautiful and light summer salad that tingles the flavor buds, and doesn't make you feel like you are having a boring salad again. This recipe provides for a variety of flavors and also a variety for textures. Pair it with a protein of your choice and it will be a great supporting cast to your meal or enjoy it by itself and let it be your star for the night. 



  1. Sprinkle the chopped pecans with sugar and cayenne pepper. Slightly roast the pecans in a pan for about 5-6 mins, or until a light honey brown color. Make sure to continuously be tossing them in the pan so they dont burn. Take it off the heat and let them cool.
  2. Mix together the apples, arugula, (cooled) spiced pecans in a salad bowl
  3. Add dressing and optional feta cheese and toss them all together

Feel free to comment and give me your feedback on the recipe, or to ask any questions. Until then, Live, Love, Laugh & Eat.. Oh yes, EAT!

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