Thursday, October 20, 2022

Flaming Hot Cheetos Chicken


Hey friends, it's been a while since I posted anything. Life has been busy, and while I'm not complaining, I did miss whipping up some quick recipes and keeping the family happy. But seems like I have found my mojo back, or at least for now I have, so wanted to share a recipe that was quick and delicious! 

I recently bought a 2-pack of Cheetos for my kids, and then had half a bag of flaming hot cheetos left behind and wanted to find a way to use that. I thought of using it as a crunchy coating instead of regular breadcrumbs, and viola, this is how this dish came about. After I made this, I thought I could use the same coating for wings, chicken breasts and a more kid friendly version would be nuggets with just regular Cheetos. So, please go give this one a try, and hopefully it gives you guys as much happiness and satisfaction just like it did for my family.  


  • 2 cups Flaming Hot Crunchy Cheetos
  • 3 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese 
  • 2 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 4 chicken legs, cut into 2 (thighs & drumsticks)
  • 2 tbsp garlic ginger paste
  • 3/4th cup water
  • salt, to taste


  1. In a sauce pan, boil the chicken with garlic ginger paste and some salt and water. Make sure to turn the chicken around from time to time, since the chicken wont be completely immersed in water
  2. While the chicken is boiling, you can prepare the cheetos coating mixture. In order to do this, blend together the cheetos and parmesan cheese in a blender
    1. Once the chicken is cooked (approx 20-22 mins), take it out of the remaining water and let is dry out a bit
    2. Once semi-dry, coat it in flour 
    3. Combine egg, salt and 1 tsp water. Beat until well combined. Dip the floured chicken in egg mixture. 
    4. Light grease/spray a baking tray and place the chicken pieces on the tray
    5. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 275° until the crust is cooked

    Serve with a side of a salad, or ranch. I used a chickpea salad and some gold ol' ranch dressing to help with the spice. I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please feel free to comment any questions or suggestions you may have. Until then folks, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh Yes, EAT! 

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