Thursday, October 20, 2022

Flaming Hot Cheetos Chicken


Hey friends, it's been a while since I posted anything. Life has been busy, and while I'm not complaining, I did miss whipping up some quick recipes and keeping the family happy. But seems like I have found my mojo back, or at least for now I have, so wanted to share a recipe that was quick and delicious! 

I recently bought a 2-pack of Cheetos for my kids, and then had half a bag of flaming hot cheetos left behind and wanted to find a way to use that. I thought of using it as a crunchy coating instead of regular breadcrumbs, and viola, this is how this dish came about. After I made this, I thought I could use the same coating for wings, chicken breasts and a more kid friendly version would be nuggets with just regular Cheetos. So, please go give this one a try, and hopefully it gives you guys as much happiness and satisfaction just like it did for my family.  


  • 2 cups Flaming Hot Crunchy Cheetos
  • 3 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese 
  • 2 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 4 chicken legs, cut into 2 (thighs & drumsticks)
  • 2 tbsp garlic ginger paste
  • 3/4th cup water
  • salt, to taste


  1. In a sauce pan, boil the chicken with garlic ginger paste and some salt and water. Make sure to turn the chicken around from time to time, since the chicken wont be completely immersed in water
  2. While the chicken is boiling, you can prepare the cheetos coating mixture. In order to do this, blend together the cheetos and parmesan cheese in a blender
    1. Once the chicken is cooked (approx 20-22 mins), take it out of the remaining water and let is dry out a bit
    2. Once semi-dry, coat it in flour 
    3. Combine egg, salt and 1 tsp water. Beat until well combined. Dip the floured chicken in egg mixture. 
    4. Light grease/spray a baking tray and place the chicken pieces on the tray
    5. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 275° until the crust is cooked

    Serve with a side of a salad, or ranch. I used a chickpea salad and some gold ol' ranch dressing to help with the spice. I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please feel free to comment any questions or suggestions you may have. Until then folks, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh Yes, EAT! 

      Tuesday, June 30, 2020

      Apple Date-nut Pancakes

      Fathers Day Card
      It's been three months since we've been in lockdown now, which for us also means we haven't been dining outside. This year being my husbands first fathers day, I wanted to do something special for him. We did go to the beach (with social distancing guidelines) and Insiyah made a lovely little card for her daddy too. But since my husband loves his Sunday brunches, we threw in a special Fathers day brunch as well.
      This was a little last minute plan though, so I scavenged through my refrigerator the night before, and tried to see what I could cook up for him. I found apples were my only star ingredient for the day, so I thought of making him these Apple Date-nut pancakes. I still had a stash of dates, lying around since ramzan, so I thought of adding in nuts, and voila, those were my key players for the fancy Fathers Day Brunch.

      This is yet another quick and simple recipe from my kitchen. It went well with Daddy dearest, and I'm sure you'll will love it too.

      Apple Date Nut Pancakes


      • 1/2 cup grated red apples (I grated them with skin on, this is a personal preference)
      • 5 dates, finely chopped
      • 1/4 cup Pecans, roughly chopped
      • 1/2 cup buttermilk 
      • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
      • 1 egg
      • 1/4 tsp baking soda
      • 1/2 tsp baking powder
      • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
      • 1 tsp sugar 
      • a pinch of salt
      • 1/2 cup milk
      • a pinch of cinnamon powder (optional)
      • Olive Oil Spray, for greasing the pan
      • Maple Syrup


      1. Add all the dry ingredients to a mixing bowl. Add the egg, buttermilk and whisk into the dry mix. 
      2. Now add the remaining ingredients whisk it until a smooth consistency is formed. If the batter feels too dry, slowly add in a little water and keep mixing until the batter is runny for pancakes
      3. Now heat a nonstick pan, grease the pan with some spray. Take 2 tbsp of batter to make the pancakes.
      4. Once bubbles start forming on the top layer(about 2 mins), carefully flip them over and cook for another couple of mins. 
      5. Once done, I sprinkled them with some pistachio & almond powder, chopped dates and a few slices of apples. And served them with maple syrup. 

        Apple Date Nut Pancakes

      I hope you like this simple yet elevated pancake recipe. If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to share them. Until then folks, stay safe.. Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh yes, EAT!

      Wednesday, May 6, 2020

      Russian Chicken Cutlets

      Russian Chicken Cutlets

      This has been a very different Ramadan for me and my family. For those of you'll who know, we usually go to Masjid everyday during the holy month of Ramadan. And that is where we break our fasts with iftaari - which usually consists of cookies, tea and a date. And follow our prayers with dinner at the masjid too. This dinner usually involves a dessert, a savory dish - like an appetizer and then the main course. 

      This year, while we are still able to perform all our prayers, one thing we miss is the festive feel of our community gathering. The food playing a big part in this gathering. And in order to fill that void, I've been trying to ramp up my cooking. I'm going back to re-creating a lot of old family recipes and meals that bring back some nostalgia and happy memories. One such recipe that I am sharing with you today is the Russian Chicken Cutlets. This falls in the category of the bohri kharaas - the savory appetizer that precedes the main dish. 

      This is not one of those quick one pan meals that I usually throw in. It is more involved, but definitely worth it . Also, I tried to look for why this recipe was called Russian Cutlets, but I'm still looking for an answer. 

      Makes: 25 cutlets 


      • 2 lb chicken kheema (minced meat)
      • 2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
      • 7 green chillies, ground or chopped to very tiny pieces like a paste
      • 1 capsicum, chopped to tiny pieces
      • 1 small carrot, grated 
      • 2 potatoes, boiled and mashed
      • 1/4 cup all purpose flour
      • 2 tbsp butter
      • 1/2 cup milk
      • handful of fresh cilantro, chopped
      • 2 tbsp grated cheese
      • 2 tbsp Mrs Dash seasoning
      • Salt
      • Pepper
      • 3 eggs
      • 1 packet vermicelli, crushed
      • Oil for frying


      1. Cook chicken kheema with ginger garlic paste, green chilli paste, salt and pepper in a pan. Do not add any water. The kheema will release some water when cooking. Cook in its own water stirring at short intervals, so that the kheema is cooked evenly and doesn't form lumps
      2. Once the kheema is done, take it out in a big bowl. You will later use the same bowl to mix all the ingredients
      3. Use the same pan, to make a thick white sauce. Start with heating the butter in this pan. Now add the all purpose flour and brown for a couple of mins. Now slowly add the milk in this pan, making sure no lumps are formed. Let it cook on medium heat for a couple of minutes and then add the Mrs dash seasoning and some pepper powder. 
      4. Now throw in the chopped vegetables and potatoes in the white sauce and cook for another 3-5 mins. 
      5. Now mix in this white sauce mixture with the chicken kheema previously cooked. Mix in the cheese and cilantro to this mixture and give it all a good mix. You will have to get your hands dirty on this one ;) 
      6. Make flat cutlets that are about 2 inch in diameter from this mixture. It will be a little sticky to work with, but once fried, they will be soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. 
      7. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and keep it aside
      8. Place the crushed vermicelli in a shallow plate
      9. If the cutlets feel too soft once shaped, you can place them in the refrigerator for about 30 mins before you start frying
      10. Heat oil in a pan for deep frying. Dip the cutlets in the egg and then coat in the crushed vermicelli. 
      11. Fry the cutlets for about 3 mins each side until a light golden brown. Remove and place on a paper towel to soak excess oil
      You can serve these cutlets with tomato sauce or some coriander chutney. You can also coat the cutlets in breadcrumbs instead of vermicelli. I hope you enjoy this old family favorite recipe. Stay indoors, stay safe and cherish this time with your family. Until then folks, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh yes, EAT!!


      • You can substitute chicken kheema with shredded chicken as well
      • Also, I make some of these cutlets and freeze them for later. Just prepare the cutlets until Step 9 and freeze for as long as a month

      Monday, May 4, 2020

      Mango Creme Brûlée

      Mango Creme Brûlée

      In the midst of everything that has been going around in the world, my focus lately has been to concentrate on the positives around me. Celebrate every little win, or small milestones in our life. 
      My daughter turned 6 months old last week, and I wanted to make something sweet to make this occasion. 
      With Ramadan going on, and keeping our socializing to a minimum, we couldn't share this occasion with many of our close family and friends, but I still wanted it to be a little celebratory. Hence, came the idea for Mango Creme Brûlée. We had a half birthday dessert, and also gave her a little taste of it. And by the looks of it, she seems to like Mango too, much like her parents. 

      Makes 6 servings (ramekins) 


      • 1 1/2 cup heavy cream 
      • 1/2 cup evaporated milk (can be substituted with regular milk, or half and half)
      • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
      • 1/4 tsp salt
      • 5 egg yolks
      • 1/2 cup mango pulp ( I usually buy the canned alphonso mango pulp)
      • 1/3 cup sugar, some more for topping


      1. Preheat Oven to 325 degree Fahrenheit 
      2. Mix the egg yolks and sugar and keep aside. I used 1/3 cup sugar only, since my mango pulp was sweetened as well. If making Vanilla creme brûlée, increase the sugar quantity to 1/2 cup
      3. In a heavy bottom pan, heat the cream, milk and salt on medium heat. As soon as it begins to simmer, take it off the heat and mix in the vanilla extract
      4. Now add 1/2 cup of the cream to the egg mixture. Ensure to whisk the egg yolks in a slow and steady stream, to avoid scrambling of the eggs
      5. Now pour the remaining cream mixture into the egg yolk mixture, still stirring slowly but continuously to avoid scrambling
      6. Place the ramekins in a large baking pan. Divide the custard mixture evenly, filling to the top
      7.  Carefully fill the pan with enough hot water to reach half-way through the ramekins
      8. Bake until the edges are set and centers are a little shaky. The time usually depends on the depth of the ramekins. For my 1-inch ramekins, it takes about 30 minutes. But since I decided to use 1 large glass dish, I baked the custard for 40 mins.
      9. Remove once done, and cool it for about an hour before refrigerating. 
      10.  I'd suggest refrigerating for at least about 4 hours or more before starting on sugar topping
      11. Using about 1/4 tsp of sugar for a ramekin, sprinkle an even layer of sugar on the ramekin. 
      12. Broil for about 10 mins in an oven or use a kitchen torch to caramelize. 

      Notes & Tips:

      • We prefer to enjoy the creme brûlée without the caramelized sugar layer, hence you can see I skipped that step in the picture. Traditional creme brûlée does have a caramelized layer, that is very easy to create. 
      • You can substitute the evaporated milk with heavy cream as well, that will just make the creme brûlée a little denser. This is just a preference on how dense you like your custard
      • I have noticed that my creme brûlée stays perfectly fresh and tasty for upto 3 days in the refrigerator. So can definitely be one of those make-ahead desserts. 
      • For the water bath, make sure the water level is low enough so that any bubbling doesn't spill into the ramekins
      I hope you guys give this easy and yummy dessert a try in your kitchen as well. Also, to make the desert look a little festive, I printed and cut out a 1/2 sign on card stock and placed it on my creme brûlée along with a happy birthday sign. And decorated with sliced strawberry. 
      Keep safe dear friends and until then, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh Yes, EAT! 

      Tuesday, April 21, 2020

      Honey Garlic Chicken Skewers

      Honey Garlic Chicken Skewers - appetizer 

      Honey Garlic Chicken Skewers, the recipe is pretty much in its name. The main ingredients are honey, garlic and chicken. Honey garlic chicken skewers have been served as appetizers as well as main course in our house. It's quick and versatile. Throw it in to make a quick appetizer or serve it with a side of asian sesame salad to make it a low carb dinner. Definitely a quick weeknight dinner for the hubby and me. 

      I try a few variations in the recipe, like changing up the honey with honey bbq sauce. Or throwing in a splash of sesame oil if I have it in store. If you don't have Worcestershire sauce, you could ALSO substitute it with the same amount of soy sauce. 


      • 1 chicken breast, cut into 1 inch strips
      • 1/4 cup honey ( I sometimes substitute this with honey bbq sauce as well)
      • 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
      • 1 tbsp soya sauce (this is the same as soy sauce :P)
      • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
      • 1 tbsp vinegar
      • 1 tbsp chilli garlic paste 
      • 1 tsp cornstarch (or cornflour)
      • 1 tsp sriracha mayo (optional)
      • a pinch of sesame seeds 
      • 2 stems of spring onions
      • a pinch of salt (if necessary) 


      1. In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients except chicken and cornstarch
        Chicken skewers in the oven
      2. Add in cornstarch to achieve desired thickness. The mix should be thick but still runny, and not pasty-thick. 
      3. Add the chicken to this mixture and marinate for at least 2 hours. Overnight, is also ok.
      4. If using wooden skewers, make sure to soak the skewers in for about 30 mins to an hour.
      5. Pre-heat oven to 350 F
      6. Feed the chicken strips to the skewers and keep aside the remaining marinade for basting the chicken
      7. Line a baking sheet with foil and lightly grease the foil. 
      8. Lay the chicken skewers on a baking sheet. 
      9. Sprinkle sesame seeds and spring onions and cook for about 12 mins
      10. Then flip the skewers, sprinkle sesame seeds and cook for another 12 mins.
      Serve with a side of soy sauce as an appetizer or with a side of some asian salad as an entree. I hope you enjoy this recipe. With Ramadan just around the corner, this could also be a lovely iftaar option. Please feel free to comment any questions or suggestions you may have. Until then folks, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh Yes, EAT! 

      Honey Garlic Chicken Skewers - entree

      Wednesday, February 20, 2019

      Beef Stroganoff

      Beef Stroganoff

      This is a creamy Russian beef dish, another quick winner-dinner in my recipe book. It is traditionally a beef dish, but can be substituted with any other protein of choice. Beef stroganoff is traditionally served with pasta, however, it is just as good with rice or mashed potatoes. As the dish tenders to be very rich, you can also choose to serve something green alongside, such as steamed green beans, sautéed broccoli or a crisp salad.


      • 1 lb boneless beef, cut into 1 inch cubes
      • 1/2 tsp black pepper powder
      • 1 tbsp flour (optional)
      • 1/2 onion, sliced
      • 1 tsp cornflour
      • 4 tbsp water
      • 1/4 cup sour cream (can be substituted with greek yogurt)
      • 1 tbsp heavy cream
      • 2 tsp salt
      • 2 tsp red chilli pwd or cayenne pepper pwd (adjust as per taste)
      • 1 tomato, pureed
      • 1 tbsp walnuts, crushed to a powder
      • 1/2 cup water
      • 1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced
      • 4 tbsp chopped coriander or dill, or both
      • 1/3 tsp garlic paste
      • 1 tsp tomato paste
      • 2 tbsp oil


      1. Pound and flatten the 1-inch beef cubes slightly. Sprinkle the meat with some black pepper powder and cut into strips. Dust a little bit of flour over the strips and keep aside.
      2. In another bowl, mix together the tomato puree, tomato paste, water, cayenne powder, salt, garlic paste, powdered walnuts and chopped herbs. 
      3. Heat oil on high heat, and once hot, fry the beef strips until golden brown
      4. Once the strips are golden on the outside, add the sliced onions and continue frying until they turn golden
      5. Now add the tomato mixture prepared in step 2. Mix all the ingredients in the pan evenly and lower the heat to medium heat
      6. Cover and let it cook for another 15-20 mins or until meat is tender and sauce is cooked through
      7. If you feel like you need to let you meat cook for longer, add some water and continue cooking until meet becomes tender. Add mushrooms now and cook for about 3-4 mins.
      8. Once the meat is soft and tender, mix cornflour with 4 tbsp of water and heavy cream. Add this mix to the stroganoff. 
      9. Give it all a stir and cook on low for another 5 mins. 
      10. Finally add the sour cream, stir it and let it cook for a couple of minutes before turning off the heat. Taste and adjust salt if needed. 
      Hope you guys enjoy this recipe! This is definitely a winter-comfort dish for me and my husband, as we bundle up and devour the calories. Please feel free to comment any questions or suggestions you may have. Until then folks, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh Yes, EAT! 

      Wednesday, February 13, 2019

      Conversational Cheesecake hearts!

      Hey guys, I'm sorry for being MIA for a couple of months, but I'm back! And with new and improved will to continue adding content to this blog.. We are a day away from Valentine's Day and wanted to share a dessert that worked out great for me in the past. These conversational cheesecake hearts 💕  Guess I'm cheesy like that ;) I made this for my husband, then-boyfriend, when we first started dating. It was our first valentines together, I decided to impress him by baking his favorite dessert in the world! Those of you who already know him, know that this New Yorker loves and craves a good cheesecake, so the pressure was totally on me!!!! I am actually taking a short cut, and linking the recipe for a regular cheesecake below, and adding the twist that I added, to modify them to be my valentines-ready cheesecake hearts.

      Conversational cheesecake hearts

      Conversational Cheesecake Hearts:

      Ingredients and tools: 

      • Wilton Heart Shaped Silicone Molds
      • Fine Tip Paint Brush
      • Food coloring - in a couple of colors, I used red and yellow (to create, orange, pink and red cheesecake hearts)


      1. Follow basic cheesecake recipe up until you add the batter to the tin pan for baking. (Before putting it in the water bath
      2. Before baking, divide the batter into equal parts depending on the number of colors you choose to use. In my case, I divided it into 3 parts. 
      3. Add the food coloring to the batter to create your own colored cheesecakes. I used orange (1 drop yellow + 1 drop red), pink (1 drop red), and red (2 drops pink)
      4. Pour batter into the silicone molds and add in water bath. Bake as per instructions in the Basic cheesecake recipe
      5. Let them cool before you remove them from the mold
      6. Once cool, remove from the molds and paint conversation heart phrases onto the tops of the cheesecake using food coloring. 

      I wish you guys enjoyed this recipe. If you do try them, please let me know. Wishing all you sweet readers a happy and loving Valentine's Day! Until then, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh yes, EAT! 💕 ❤️