Friday, December 14, 2018

Mustard soup

Mustard and coconut soup
Winter has arrived.. at least in this part of the world that I live in, and so has the season of soups. I could binge on soups all year round, though! My husband and I have been consciously trying to reduce our dairy intake and this is why creamy soups will be on a down-low for us this winter. He was down with the flu last week, and hence I using all my soup knowledge, to try and make him flavorful soups, that would also help with faster recovery. While doing so, I thought of using coconut milk as a base for one of my soups. I usually do a corn & coconut soup, but decided to change it up with mustard this time around. It was a simple, quick and flavorful soup packed with flavor, yet light on the stomach.
I prefer adding shreds of chicken to my soup, but you could substitute this with veggies, or any other meat. For the jalapeños, I used the store-bought pickled ones, since I feel like they pack in more flavor, but feel free to use fresh or pickled ones depending on your taste.
For my chicken broth, I usually like to boil chicken legs in ginger-garlic paste along with some salt. I use the broth for the soup, and shred the chicken from the legs to use in the soup. The flavor from the bone makes a big difference in my opinion!

Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 25 mins


  • 2 tbsp Oil
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds (optional)
  • 1 Bay Leaf 
  • 1 clove of  Garlic, chopped 
  • 1/2 Onion, chopped
  • 1 tbsp, Jalapeños
  • 2 tbsp Mustard Sauce
  • 1 can Coconut Milk
  • 3-4 cups Chicken Broth
  • 1 cup Shredded Chicken
  • a bunch of rosemary leaves (usually 6-8 leaves)
  • 1/2 tbsp Franks Hot Sauce
  • Salt according to taste
  • Pepper according to taste 


  1. Heat oil in a pot and add bay leaf and a few cumin seeds to it
  2. Once the cumin seeds start popping, add in the garlic and onions
  3. Wait till the onions turn translucent. Now add the jalapeños and give it all a good stir.
  4. Next pour in the mustard sauce and mix everything well
  5. Then add the coconut milk and chicken broth to the pot and let it boil
  6. You can also add the shredded chicken here, if you are including chicken in your soup. Cook on medium heat for about 5 mins.
  7. Add rosemary leaves to your soup now along with hot sauce. Make sure you add your hot sauce according to your taste preference. I would say start with a little and keep adding till you reach desired spice level. Cook for another 5-7 mins.
  8. Lastly, adjust salt and pepper according to your taste and your super delicious soup is now ready to be devoured.

Hoping you guys get to bundle up and enjoy some soup too. As always, feel free to comment with questions, concerns and suggestions. Until then, Live, Love, Laugh and Eat.. Oh yes, EAT!!

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